sarah is me.: making the blueberry filling
sarah is me.: making the dough
sarah is me.: filling
sarah is me.: folding
sarah is me.: filling + folding
sarah is me.: hot hot hot
sarah is me.: cutting the dough
sarah is me.: fresh out of the fryer
sarah is me.: brad's blueberry empanadas
sarah is me.: let the games begin
sarah is me.: the coveted trophy
sarah is me.: jessica shows off kelly's chocolate pie!
sarah is me.: brad's blueberry empanadas
sarah is me.: target cherry pie
sarah is me.: so many pumpkin pies
sarah is me.: kelly the judge
sarah is me.: they are serious
sarah is me.: judges tasting
sarah is me.: judge's table
sarah is me.: dan crowns the winner!
sarah is me.: a case of the pie crazies!