sarah is me.: abbey upon arrival in london
sarah is me.: lipstick on the hotel's atrium window
sarah is me.: our hotel
sarah is me.: abbey on her dorm bed
sarah is me.: our room looked like a dorm room
sarah is me.: more of the dorm room
sarah is me.: plastic wrapped TP
sarah is me.: hyde park
sarah is me.: i have to check the records for this shot
sarah is me.: abbey wouldn't go up, so i was on my own
sarah is me.: london + the river thames
sarah is me.: wiped out in london
sarah is me.: view of something
sarah is me.: fellow on portobello road
sarah is me.: wood type + ornaments at the market
sarah is me.: pink babies
sarah is me.: yummy fish + chips!
sarah is me.: yummy indian food!
sarah is me.: traffic
sarah is me.: london's eye view of the thames
sarah is me.: tourist shot #2: a more subdued abbey
sarah is me.: tourist shot #1: not afraid of color