sarahfromthefuture: The spread
sarahfromthefuture: Shannon, Ami, Ann
sarahfromthefuture: Karen and Katie
sarahfromthefuture: champagne, Perrier for the pregnants
sarahfromthefuture: Katie's awesome bib job
sarahfromthefuture: making bibs
sarahfromthefuture: yay diaper pail
sarahfromthefuture: yay diaper pail related bags
sarahfromthefuture: questioning Karen
sarahfromthefuture: this is a happy/cute face
sarahfromthefuture: I kind of want this
sarahfromthefuture: cook book!
sarahfromthefuture: knuffle bunny!
sarahfromthefuture: Kimberly gets emotional about Knuffle Bunny
sarahfromthefuture: yay cat book!
sarahfromthefuture: mushroom shoes
sarahfromthefuture: changing pad!
sarahfromthefuture: cute baby shoes
sarahfromthefuture: cute little dress
sarahfromthefuture: pump modeling
sarahfromthefuture: another cute bedtime story
sarahfromthefuture: yay presents
sarahfromthefuture: cute little onesie