sarahfortune: Old photos / Deets at my mom's house
sarahfortune: Old photos / me & the fam van
sarahfortune: Old photos / Memphis skyline
sarahfortune: Old photos / Brandy, Joel, Kerry at The Deli
sarahfortune: Old photos / The Duplex
sarahfortune: Old photos / Hillary, Kerri, me
sarahfortune: Old photos / Deets & Hillary on Barksdale
sarahfortune: Old photos / me the cowgirl
sarahfortune: Old photos / Photobooth
sarahfortune: Old photos / 15 year old me outside of a show
sarahfortune: Old photos / Deets
sarahfortune: Old photos / Girls
sarahfortune: Old ticket stubs
sarahfortune: Old photos / Todd
sarahfortune: Walk the Line / day 37 of 50
sarahfortune: Walk the Line script
sarahfortune: Pentagon smoking after 9/11
sarahfortune: My 21st birthday
sarahfortune: My 21st birthday cake
sarahfortune: Halloween at the Warehouse
sarahfortune: my second tattoo
sarahfortune: Kerri & Hillary / The Warehouse
sarahfortune: Ben & snakeskin pants
sarahfortune: Old Photos
sarahfortune: edwards1
sarahfortune: My old loft / The Duplex
sarahfortune: Warehouse show / Memphis, 2000
sarahfortune: Warehouse show / Memphis, 2000
sarahfortune: The west coast & me
sarahfortune: Submission Hold / show downtown