sarahewk: pain au chocolat
sarahewk: Scott in Jardin du Luxembourg
sarahewk: Palais du Luxembourg
sarahewk: self portrait Palais du Luxembourg
sarahewk: boats on Grand Bassin
sarahewk: flower beds at Jardin du Luxembourg
sarahewk: Flower beds at Jardin du Luxembourg
sarahewk: Jardin du Luxembourg
sarahewk: Palais du Luxembourg
sarahewk: soccer in the park
sarahewk: Ponies
sarahewk: dahlias
sarahewk: Lady Liberty
sarahewk: Barettes des Marionnettes5.JPG
sarahewk: go karts
sarahewk: go karts
sarahewk: portrait with the lion
sarahewk: Fontaine des Quatre Parties du Monde
sarahewk: Fountain of Medici
sarahewk: Ivy Garland
sarahewk: Fountain of Medicis
sarahewk: me and Medicis
sarahewk: Fountain of Medicis
sarahewk: Scott on the steps
sarahewk: Cafe
sarahewk: St. Sulpice
sarahewk: st. sulpice
sarahewk: sparkle
sarahewk: self portrait on Eiffel Tower
sarahewk: self portrait