sarahebourne: DSC02141
sarahebourne: Pre-dawn moon
sarahebourne: Krušovice Černé
sarahebourne: DSC02166
sarahebourne: DSC02172
sarahebourne: DSC02173
sarahebourne: DSC02174
sarahebourne: DSC02175
sarahebourne: DSC02176
sarahebourne: DSC02177
sarahebourne: DSC02178
sarahebourne: DSC02307
sarahebourne: DSC02308
sarahebourne: DSC02309
sarahebourne: Narcissus, backlit
sarahebourne: Sunbeams through the clouds
sarahebourne: Bright trees, dark sky
sarahebourne: Misty moon in tree tops
sarahebourne: Full moon before dawn
sarahebourne: Windy day: white caps instead of boats on the Charles
sarahebourne: Talon Club
sarahebourne: DSC02233
sarahebourne: Hit and run