Eastie: Gesticulating Sophies
Eastie: Digger and Pam
Eastie: Stevie meets the lion god
Eastie: The last ones standing (sitting down)
Eastie: Contemporary dance
Eastie: Vogueing?
Eastie: He's the greatest dancer
Eastie: Soph feeling it
Eastie: This big
Eastie: Nice rack
Eastie: Grrr
Eastie: Possible gatecrashers
Eastie: Three Jolenes
Eastie: Jennifer
Eastie: Aayy!
Eastie: Celebratory dance
Eastie: It was only pretending to be dead
Eastie: Pete sees the dead puppy
Eastie: Pickles expresses a complex emotion
Eastie: Pickles wins an award
Eastie: Nadj wins an award