Eastie: Henry and Luke
Eastie: Bunter and me
Eastie: Me (frightened) and Luke (sleazy)
Eastie: Me and Luke, smiling
Eastie: Bunter and Henry
Eastie: Ask, "Are you choking?"
Eastie: New York
Eastie: Knitted bike
Eastie: Pumpkin cupcake, earl grey tea
Eastie: Potential fridge polaroids -- many attempts
Eastie: James and Sean
Eastie: Edward
Eastie: Luke and Sean
Eastie: 100% grape
Eastie: "Grape Bites"
Eastie: Cut finger
Eastie: Chicken mole
Eastie: Yum
Eastie: All aboard
Eastie: Bad photo
Eastie: The Hudson
Eastie: Albany, New York
Eastie: Americana
Eastie: Huge bed
Eastie: Frank Lloyd Wright gates
Eastie: Cloud Gate
Eastie: Pink
Eastie: The Bean
Eastie: Under my umbrella
Eastie: Under the Bean