sarahdough: guapos
sarahdough: take me for a ride, baby
sarahdough: the tower/serpent beast
sarahdough: loungers
sarahdough: on the "gallery bench"
sarahdough: tower/bystander
sarahdough: all set up
sarahdough: necessary items
sarahdough: leetle tiny
sarahdough: a very nice crowd
sarahdough: sarita y pinche
sarahdough: video screening
sarahdough: jonny10
sarahdough: early trees + serpent
sarahdough: living room to come
sarahdough: chris filming
sarahdough: back altar in early stages
sarahdough: we burned the midnight oil
sarahdough: early tower stages
sarahdough: our record player
sarahdough: The Bird Guy and Mookie
sarahdough: mija y mister
sarahdough: mad mogul
sarahdough: back room + slideshow
sarahdough: mija in the bedroom
sarahdough: our bed, clotheline and suitcases + wall mural