sarahd12: lisa and ed. cute.
sarahd12: summer and me
sarahd12: summer, me, part of lisa
sarahd12: lisa and me, part of summer
sarahd12: summer and me
sarahd12: ed and me
sarahd12: ed and me
sarahd12: 1523
sarahd12: 1523 Harvard, 2003-2005
sarahd12: charles
sarahd12: jen and me
sarahd12: nick and renee
sarahd12: denick
sarahd12: renee and me
sarahd12: steph and camera-ready gary
sarahd12: nicky, blank stare
sarahd12: O.B.S. - original blank stare-r
sarahd12: nick and me, from nick's pov
sarahd12: people who have lived w/ nick
sarahd12: gary
sarahd12: gary and nick. awh.
sarahd12: trying to be serious
sarahd12: nick and me
sarahd12: me and steph
sarahd12: creating what you see on the big screen: nick, marco, matt