sarahd12: Kara, me, Kelley
sarahd12: kara and me
sarahd12: me, kristen, elizabeth (sissy)
sarahd12: kristen, andy, me
sarahd12: me and mr. hull
sarahd12: The Reunion
sarahd12: The Reunion
sarahd12: The Reunion
sarahd12: kristen and joey
sarahd12: The Reunion
sarahd12: The Reunion
sarahd12: kristen and me
sarahd12: pam and me
sarahd12: The Reunion
sarahd12: jessica and pam
sarahd12: kristen, chris and kenny
sarahd12: andrew and me
sarahd12: k & k
sarahd12: The Reunion
sarahd12: The Reunion
sarahd12: kelley and andrew
sarahd12: The Reunion
sarahd12: Prom '96, Revisited
sarahd12: shane and kristen
sarahd12: shane and me
sarahd12: she's a teacher
sarahd12: ashley and me
sarahd12: The Reunion
sarahd12: The Reunion
sarahd12: The Reunion