sarahd12: october 1978
sarahd12: my parents at oral roberts university
sarahd12: engagement picture, december 1967
sarahd12: viola birthday
sarahd12: on the tractor
sarahd12: on the tractor
sarahd12: Stevens Point
sarahd12: Dinner at Grandma Wright's, February 1971
sarahd12: Mom and Grandma Hill
sarahd12: Oh, the '70s
sarahd12: so young, so pensive
sarahd12: grandpa hill
sarahd12: eli and me
sarahd12: cathandme
sarahd12: bday w jenny dahl
sarahd12: the family
sarahd12: IMG_0919
sarahd12: IMG_0920
sarahd12: IMG_0921