sarahecosta: always wearing a smile for me
sarahecosta: my girls love the swings
sarahecosta: little sister pushing big sister
sarahecosta: flying down the slide
sarahecosta: standing on the swings
sarahecosta: hey get your ear out of my eye
sarahecosta: Jobi girl
sarahecosta: eeeeaaahhhh
sarahecosta: Shammy
sarahecosta: Jobi and Shammy
sarahecosta: friends
sarahecosta: Ruby petting Jobi
sarahecosta: Roo loves Jobi
sarahecosta: hey goat
sarahecosta: cute little shammy
sarahecosta: brushing the donkeys
sarahecosta: Shammy loved me today
sarahecosta: Grandma "mo mo" teaching Ruby how to brush the donkey
sarahecosta: cali goat
sarahecosta: hey you
sarahecosta: 700_0420-1
sarahecosta: sitting on her eggs
sarahecosta: Iris loves the chickens