remy_connors: Hello from Buffalo!
remy_connors: I see you there Ryan Miller. And some other dudes I don't really care about. Pffff, Sabres. XD
remy_connors: front of Sabres arena....I legit just pulled off the highway to take pictures of the front of this place :D
remy_connors: DSCN2717
remy_connors: Baseball?
remy_connors: Niagara Falls!
remy_connors: Niagara
remy_connors: streets of Niagara
remy_connors: The falls!
remy_connors: Niagara
remy_connors: bridal veil falls
remy_connors: horseshoe falls
remy_connors: horseshoe falls
remy_connors: American and Bridal Veil falls
remy_connors: Me + the falls :D
remy_connors: Niagara
remy_connors: T-dot!
remy_connors: T-dot!
remy_connors: T-dot!
remy_connors: T-dot!
remy_connors: T-dot!
remy_connors: Hockey Hall of Fame
remy_connors: Hockey Hall of Fame
remy_connors: Hockey Hall of Fame
remy_connors: Hockey Hall of Fame
remy_connors: Hockey Hall of Fame
remy_connors: Hockey Hall of Fame
remy_connors: Hockey Hall of Fame
remy_connors: Hockey Hall of Fame
remy_connors: Hockey Hall of Fame