S Baker: Ant, me and Anna
S Baker: Ant and I
S Baker: Dusk
S Baker: Ant at 'The Beach'
S Baker: The beach from 'The Beach' film
S Baker: The cave of certain death
S Baker: Ant snorkelling
S Baker: Beautiful water at Phi Phi Lei island
S Baker: Swallow conservation project
S Baker: Guys working on the boat
S Baker: Phi Phi beach
S Baker: Huts on the beach
S Baker: Ant in the beach
S Baker: Phi Phi beach
S Baker: Tsunami evacuation sign
S Baker: Ant
S Baker: Anna and Ant on the boat to Phi Phi
S Baker: Marooned longtail boat
S Baker: Dusk at the bar
S Baker: Ant and Jay in the canoe sailing out to the distance
S Baker: Beach
S Baker: Ant and Jay
S Baker: Cliffs
S Baker: Ant and Jay
S Baker: Rail Lei West
S Baker: Longtail Boat
S Baker: Rail Lei East
S Baker: Rail Lei East
S Baker: Rail Lei East
S Baker: On the way to Rai Lei