Sarah Wesley Farm: Lady Slippers begin to make an appearance
Sarah Wesley Farm: The rare and elusive Lady Slipper: provincial flower of Prince Edward Island
Sarah Wesley Farm: Ian Ohsberg up a tree
Sarah Wesley Farm: A close up of Ian Ohsberg up a tree
Sarah Wesley Farm: Lookatthelovelylichen!
Sarah Wesley Farm: Graceful Lady Slippers
Sarah Wesley Farm: A pink trilium
Sarah Wesley Farm: Orchids in the woods
Sarah Wesley Farm: Looking very orchid like!
Sarah Wesley Farm: Bunchieberries -- this one's for you, Danika!
Sarah Wesley Farm: Don't know what this is
Sarah Wesley Farm: Beside the brook
Sarah Wesley Farm: A tree elf
Sarah Wesley Farm: And a closeup of a tree elf
Sarah Wesley Farm: Lady Slippers on macro
Sarah Wesley Farm: What a Lady Slipper looks like from underneath
Sarah Wesley Farm: Burgeoning Lady's Slippers 100502
Sarah Wesley Farm: They have about 6 weeks to go!!