chestnutgrey: “Yeah, I did my 10,000 steps yesterday thanks. I don’t need to be going for a walk today but thanks for asking!” - Houston
chestnutgrey: 160/365 Check list for new horse: good in traffic - check...
chestnutgrey: “Ride the new guy”, they said...
chestnutgrey: “I don’t know what all the fuss is about?” - Houston
chestnutgrey: 194/365 “We went up some really steep hills and she wouldn’t let me have even a mouthful of grass."
chestnutgrey: 209/365 “Why the long face Houston?”...
chestnutgrey: Heading up that hill...happy trails...
chestnutgrey: 230/365 Home time
chestnutgrey: 251/365 FWIS “I swear, that chicken better not be there when I lift my head up."
chestnutgrey: 271/365 “Seriously?? I’m not allowed ONE mouthful of grass?” - Houston
chestnutgrey: 272/365 “Apple?” - Houston
chestnutgrey: “What’s a dentist?” - Houston
chestnutgrey: “Hmmm, no apples!” - Houston
chestnutgrey: “Oc eo ieen oo o?” “What’s that Houston?”
chestnutgrey: 285/365 “Eco o o n eon!” “Nope still not getting it Houston, sorry buddy.”
chestnutgrey: “You were so good today Goldie, you really showed up Miss Dancy Prancy Posh Pants” - Houston
chestnutgrey: 345/365 “You got anymore of those carrots?” - Houston
chestnutgrey: 347/365 “He’s such a boy!” - Posh
chestnutgrey: Goldie and her new friends
chestnutgrey: The evidence before the court is incontrovertible, there’s no need for the jury to retire... We believe if we took a cast of Houston’s teeth it would match the bite marks in the saddle!!!
chestnutgrey: 35/365+1 “You haz carrot?” - Houston
chestnutgrey: 45/365+1 “Houston is always in front Posh.”
chestnutgrey: Houston's got a girlfriend
chestnutgrey: 136/365+1 "Stop! Stop! You're killing me!"
chestnutgrey: "Psst! Wanna hear a joke?" - Houston
chestnutgrey: "I thought we were just going to do the loop?" - Houston
chestnutgrey: Our own pony club
chestnutgrey: “It was near here that we had our accident.” - Houston
chestnutgrey: “Does my bum look big in this?” - Houston