SLandry: Grandad meets Jonah
SLandry: Grandpa gets a turn holding Jonah
SLandry: Daddy and Jonah have a much deserved snooze
SLandry: Our little angel -1 day old
SLandry: Making his escape up the stairs
SLandry: Grandpa and Nana with Jonah
SLandry: A very happy Mommy
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SLandry: jonah samuel 011
SLandry: jonah samuel 010
SLandry: Chilling out in the baby papasan chair
SLandry: Having a snuggle with Daddy
SLandry: Grammie and Jonah
SLandry: First Bath
SLandry: Jonah very happy to be out of the bath...
SLandry: Warm and toasty
SLandry: Finally the sun has come out!
SLandry: Smiling for Daddy