Panegyrics of Granovetter: 27529: carved lintel at El-Quassr
Panegyrics of Granovetter: 27528: gate at El-Quassr
Panegyrics of Granovetter: 27527: El-Quassr dome
Panegyrics of Granovetter: 27526: El-Quassr architecture
Panegyrics of Granovetter: 27525: skyline of mudbrick, El-Quassr
Panegyrics of Granovetter: 27534: palms and mud brick, al Qasr
Panegyrics of Granovetter: 27533: exploring the old city of Al Qasr
Panegyrics of Granovetter: 27532: overview of the Ottoman town and citadel of Al Qasr
Panegyrics of Granovetter: 27531: view from the top, Al Qasr
Panegyrics of Granovetter: 27530: mud brick extravaganza in Al Qasr
Panegyrics of Granovetter: 27541: The mean streets of Al Qasr
Panegyrics of Granovetter: 27540: an arched doorway, al Qasr
Panegyrics of Granovetter: 27539: mill equipment, Al Qasr old city
Panegyrics of Granovetter: 27538: the old mill
Panegyrics of Granovetter: 27537: mud brick mansion in Al Qasr
Panegyrics of Granovetter: 27536: inside a mosque in Al Qasr
Panegyrics of Granovetter: 27535: view from Al Qasr tower
Panegyrics of Granovetter: 27548: al Qasr madrassa
Panegyrics of Granovetter: 27547: an ancient press of gnarled trunks, al Qasr
Panegyrics of Granovetter: 27546: milling equipment in Al Qasr
Panegyrics of Granovetter: 27545: layers of Ottoman architecture in al Qasr
Panegyrics of Granovetter: 27544: tunnelling about the old city of Al Qasr
Panegyrics of Granovetter: 27543: towering complex in Al Qasr
Panegyrics of Granovetter: 27542: an 8 bit face in Al Qasr
Panegyrics of Granovetter: 27554: donkey and cart with electrical shadow, al Qasr
Panegyrics of Granovetter: 27555: al Qasr smithy
Panegyrics of Granovetter: 27554: wood & mud, al Qasr architectural specialties
Panegyrics of Granovetter: 27553: doorways of al Qasr
Panegyrics of Granovetter: 27552: doorways of al Qasr
Panegyrics of Granovetter: 27551: dramatic decorative gate at al Qasr