Panegyrics of Granovetter: 24918: Monte Alban main plaza from the south platform
Panegyrics of Granovetter: 24917: Monte Alban building M
Panegyrics of Granovetter: 24916: flora of Monte Alban
Panegyrics of Granovetter: 24915: Monte Alban main plaza
Panegyrics of Granovetter: 24924: view from the top at Monte Alban
Panegyrics of Granovetter: 24928: Monte Alban main plaza, view from northeast
Panegyrics of Granovetter: 24926: los danzantes
Panegyrics of Granovetter: 24933: bumblebee hummingbird
Panegyrics of Granovetter: 24932: bumblebee hummingbird
Panegyrics of Granovetter: 24935: mr. moustachio
Panegyrics of Granovetter: 24934: Tropical kingbird