swoodie: chicken coop
swoodie: chicken in coop
swoodie: european deer?
swoodie: caleb rosy and tobias
swoodie: through the coop
swoodie: shaggy pony
swoodie: goat herder
swoodie: bottle feeding
swoodie: world's weirdest animal
swoodie: alooo!
swoodie: on the farm
swoodie: cows
swoodie: at play
swoodie: driving the tractor
swoodie: caleb drives the tractor
swoodie: coffee break / phone call
swoodie: tobias rides the pony
swoodie: tobias not afraid - caleb was afraid
swoodie: hay ride
swoodie: protecting his turf
swoodie: ice cream cone
swoodie: tobias likes ice cream too
swoodie: kid meets baby
swoodie: 'ole sheephead and the sheep
swoodie: tobias up close and personal with sheep
swoodie: ewe's not fat ewe's fluffy
swoodie: anyone home?
swoodie: baby goats are soft
swoodie: goats!
swoodie: in the food bowl