sarac_energizer: 10-22 Cherry Capital Cycling Club's weekly "Muffin Ride" on Leelanau Trail to Suttons Bay & back for coffee
sarac_energizer: 10-22 Marilyn & Jnette met us there with a cake for Judy's upcoming b-day, not knowing that Vita & I have been celebrating our b-day together today since 1993 as CCCC friends
sarac_energizer: 10-22 CCCC girls riding back to town on TART trail among some late fall colors
sarac_energizer: 10-22 my Traverse Area Paddle Club outing on Boardman River from The Forks to Scheck's Place, Jocelyn taking photo of Roseanne paddling off deck
sarac_energizer: 10-22 Jocelyn's photo of my favorite, late season "golden tamaracks" among cedar swamp in the warm afternoon sunshine (only pine to shed its needles)
sarac_energizer: Jocelyn presented me with my own magazine cover design
sarac_energizer: 10-22 Maxi, my athletic mentor, Al, the chef, Lise, a talented PT , athlete & lover of Yosemite, and Gary ... great food & companionship, before ending the day at home in the hot tub under a full moon