SaraOntario: Sudden subzero temperatures in April and lack of Cable. 'RedNeck' entertainment. Last year. iPhone.
SaraOntario: Early morning's stare
SaraOntario: Co-star of previous photo's behind-the-scene tale
SaraOntario: A fleeting moment
SaraOntario: iPhone capture through Nikon lens
SaraOntario: The Mating Dance
SaraOntario: All puffed up, ready to impress the ladies
SaraOntario: Turkey Crossing
SaraOntario: Canadian reality
SaraOntario: Majestic
SaraOntario: Foal in a Foul Mood
SaraOntario: Temporary respite from the wind
SaraOntario: "YOU ARE IN MY SPACE, HUMAN!! BACK OFF!!" Her eyes pierced holes in my body. I got the message and slowly eased back.
SaraOntario: Let's just call her Dolly, in honour of the first cloned sheep.
SaraOntario: Flexible cow = tender meat?