Sara Aalza: ...colors...
Sara Aalza: ...boishakh:celebrating color...
Sara Aalza: ...identity:bangladeshi...
Sara Aalza: ...camouflaged face;molded mind...'i am modern'...
Sara Aalza: ..."see son; you belong to this red"...
Sara Aalza: freedom: I can stand with my head up tall...
Sara Aalza: ...greeting durga Puja...
Sara Aalza: ...ganesha:the lord of success (hinduism)...
Sara Aalza: ...embellishing ganesha...
Sara Aalza: ...mahishasura...
Sara Aalza: ...durga: the nemesis of mahishasura...
Sara Aalza: ...clay to goddess...
Sara Aalza: ...i belong to the almighty...
Sara Aalza: ...different;faces of god...
Sara Aalza: ...blessings;the gift of the merciful......
Sara Aalza: ...worship of mind, devotion of soul......