-Steve Roe-: Door detail - Granada.
-Steve Roe-: Civil War bomb damage - Barcelona.
-Steve Roe-: Prague - wall/door detail.
-Steve Roe-: Fried banana child I - Prague
-Steve Roe-: Prague - door detail.
-Steve Roe-: Departed
-Steve Roe-: C19th Bookplate.
-Steve Roe-: Signs of Life... Whitby.
-Steve Roe-: Pair of pears - window light.
-Steve Roe-: Teasle V
-Steve Roe-: Teasle IV
-Steve Roe-: Teasle III
-Steve Roe-: Melancholy - mono.
-Steve Roe-: Melancholy - Sepia.
-Steve Roe-: Vintage Teasle
-Steve Roe-: 'Security' - Afternoon light, Barcelona.
-Steve Roe-: Time - Bradford.
-Steve Roe-: Door of derelict mill - Bradford.
-Steve Roe-: "..after a nice sit down and a cup of tea, God created 'Gothic' and it was really rather good." - York.
-Steve Roe-: Hymns A and M
-Steve Roe-: Barn door - detail.
-Steve Roe-: Before pixels were invented....but I added some anyway.
-Steve Roe-: '10' - Oxford.
-Steve Roe-: Poetical Works of John Milton.
-Steve Roe-: Poetical Works of John Milton II
-Steve Roe-: Mill door - Bradford.
-Steve Roe-: Architectural detail - Rome.
-Steve Roe-: Security II - Rome