Sapphireblue: Basel's South Bank on the Rhine
Sapphireblue: Basle Rathaus
Sapphireblue: In The Courtyard at the Basel Rathaus
Sapphireblue: Marching Band On The Rhine
Sapphireblue: Basel Street
Sapphireblue: Fountain at Spalenvorstadt and Schützenmattstrasse
Sapphireblue: Basel Spalentor Rear
Sapphireblue: Basel Spalentor
Sapphireblue: Basel Spalentor Front Detail
Sapphireblue: Elisabethenkirche, Basel
Sapphireblue: The Difference between Goths and People Wearing Black Clothes
Sapphireblue: Bikes of Basel
Sapphireblue: Desperation, thy name is peacock
Sapphireblue: Zoo Basel Wolf
Sapphireblue: Zoo Basel Goat
Sapphireblue: Basel Rooftops
Sapphireblue: Ghost Cat
Sapphireblue: Sign of the Times
Sapphireblue: Brave Pigeon
Sapphireblue: Basel Münster
Sapphireblue: Basel Münster Rose Window
Sapphireblue: Basel Münster Elephant Chimera
Sapphireblue: Basel Münster Tympanum
Sapphireblue: Kleinbasel and the Rhine
Sapphireblue: No War in Iran
Sapphireblue: Graffiti Truck
Sapphireblue: Lange Erlen Facing East from Erlenparksteg Bridge
Sapphireblue: Peacock at Lange Erlen
Sapphireblue: My Feet Are in Switzerland
Sapphireblue: German Kohlrabi Field