J-E-F-F: Flower in the moonlight... *explored*
J-E-F-F: View of Beit Sira and mosque, a copy of the Dome of the Rock... *explored*
J-E-F-F: P1000532_web
J-E-F-F: Hagia Maria Sion Abbey (Dormition Abbey)
J-E-F-F: Garlic & Jar
J-E-F-F: Scumblepoomp
J-E-F-F: In the dog box...
J-E-F-F: Date Palm
J-E-F-F: Modiin Cascade
J-E-F-F: Dinosaur
J-E-F-F: P1000535_web
J-E-F-F: Schlugleschvantz
J-E-F-F: Lock
J-E-F-F: Jerusalem Wall
J-E-F-F: Sherd
J-E-F-F: Petrushka
J-E-F-F: I'd Walk a Mile for a
J-E-F-F: maxiset
J-E-F-F: rope man
J-E-F-F: leaf
J-E-F-F: bottles
J-E-F-F: Hot Sunset
J-E-F-F: Green Bamboo Fence *explored*
J-E-F-F: Pumpkin Flower
J-E-F-F: Chapel Door
J-E-F-F: P1000548_web
J-E-F-F: P1000478_web
J-E-F-F: P1000467_web
J-E-F-F: P1000488_web
J-E-F-F: Malha 2