J-E-F-F: Date Palms on the Sidewalk
J-E-F-F: Modiin Cascade
J-E-F-F: Ball & Drain
J-E-F-F: Mall
J-E-F-F: Dinosaur
J-E-F-F: Sunset100
J-E-F-F: At the Mall
J-E-F-F: Arc de Triomphe
J-E-F-F: aqueduct
J-E-F-F: Concrete-henge
J-E-F-F: non corinthian columns
J-E-F-F: Low Flying
J-E-F-F: My first Panorama
J-E-F-F: Water Tower
J-E-F-F: Date Palm
J-E-F-F: water & twin towers
J-E-F-F: Arch (Crusader?)
J-E-F-F: water tower
J-E-F-F: The Moon's a Balloon
J-E-F-F: Supermarket Rear Entrance
J-E-F-F: window 2
J-E-F-F: window
J-E-F-F: evening silhouette
J-E-F-F: Textureless...
J-E-F-F: Blew...
J-E-F-F: Schlugleschvantz
J-E-F-F: Un-Modi'in
J-E-F-F: bales
J-E-F-F: P1000532_web
J-E-F-F: P1000548_web