*sapa*: tease me
*sapa*: blame it on the bokeh-nova
*sapa*: My favorite time of day is just at dark when all thoughts of what must be done stop & small pools of light come alive on tired faces everywhere.
*sapa*: I'm on my way to the future, she said & I said, But you're just sitting there listening & she smiled & said, It's harder than you'd think with all the noise everyone else is making.
*sapa*: the secret thoughts of poppy...and a few other girls I know...
*sapa*: waiting patiently
*sapa*: trying to be all things to all people :-)
*sapa*: a bridge across forever
*sapa*: passing time
*sapa*: bigger and bokeh'r
*sapa*: on a green night
*sapa*: not drowning, waving
*sapa*: cosset
*sapa*: i heard a voice whisper your name
*sapa*: You have to remember to make it all over again every day, the angel said to me. Otherwise it goes all to hell.
*sapa*: delicious ambiguity
*sapa*: wanting him to come back before anyone notices part of the world has not moved since he left
*sapa*: a different kind of girl...