mmmyoso: Chopped Cold Chicken with Chili Pepper Sauce (Kou Shui Ji) - Fu An Garden
mmmyoso: Taco de Marlyn - Champions Mariscos Truck
abbyladybug: CK made some new friends on vacation: Sandy and Dusty
thebakingbird: Shenanigans.
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mmmyoso: The interior of Imperial McDonalds - Porto, Portugal
mmmyoso: Another shot of the interior of Imperial McDonalds - Porto, Portugal
mmmyoso: Imperial McDonalds - Porto, Portugal
mmmyoso: Issan Sausage - The Original Sab E Lee
mmmyoso: Longsilog for breakfast
mmmyoso: Turo turo time - Point Point Joint
julochka: restaurant inspiration from paté paté - copenhagen
m for marvellous: Hugo the Cat is not impressed, midday nap continues uninterrupted #hugothecat #letsleepingcatslie
Deep Fried Kudzu: White Arches, Columbus MS
Masala Cha: gifts
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abbyladybug: Is my cat normal?
Heather K. Powers::HKpowerStudio: Cold night-hot treats! #sweeteeth ghost pepper caramel & vanilla chai...These just go together-In love!
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Deep Fried Kudzu: Decorated Home, Natchez MS
mmmyoso: Why do vegetables take so long to grow?
mmmyoso: Sammy does his part to support Breast Cancer Awareness
mmmyoso: Gardening is over-rated
jetalone: 2013-07-20 17.24.54
*caramimi*: I tried their signature goats milk #gelato flavored with a tree resin, that gave it a taste reminiscent of creamy olive oil with a trail of pine. The green one is Sicilian #pistachio which needs no explanation. It was how you say? Broke da mouf!