santheo: Baby's First Sonogram
santheo: We have a pronoun
santheo: Foot
santheo: Chillin'
santheo: Perquackey at 12 weeks
santheo: Week 16
santheo: Heartbeat
santheo: Ultrasound goop
santheo: FACE
santheo: Clawing his way out
santheo: Yet another wang shot
santheo: Belly be bulging
santheo: Sarah on the beach
santheo: Belly
santheo: Belly
santheo: Bye bye, baby
santheo: Wonder what this is...
santheo: Thirty weeks
santheo: Priming
santheo: Priming
santheo: Painted belly
santheo: Painting
santheo: Here lives baby
santheo: Emberley Abecedary
santheo: Grandpa belly rub
santheo: Belly love
santheo: Parents-almost-to-be
santheo: Pregnant & sleepy
santheo: Daughter, mother
santheo: Daughter, mother