santheo: When in Thayer, Illinois...
santheo: Jump if you love geometry
santheo: Sara, Sarah and the Arch
santheo: Curvy
santheo: In the capsule, headed to the top
santheo: Sarah at the top
santheo: Don Becker and Sara
santheo: A thing of beauty
santheo: Attack of the killer pup
santheo: Attack of the other killer dog
santheo: Hitting the outdoor shower after my morning run
santheo: Judy, John & Ted
santheo: Hey baby, want some sausage?
santheo: "Don't pay attention to those scary men"
santheo: I assume the role of cinematographer
santheo: Mickey surveys
santheo: Happy face
santheo: Stretching time
santheo: John backs it up
santheo: The art of relaxing
santheo: Sarah rides the mule
santheo: Muleface
santheo: Me as cowboy
santheo: Creekbed rocks
santheo: Tony and Uncle John in the creek
santheo: Scrabble in nature
santheo: Bob makes it across the creek
santheo: Barn dancin'
santheo: More barn dancin'
santheo: Guns and babies