Santanu Sen: twilight...
Santanu Sen: first impressions...
Santanu Sen: sun, sand and the sea
Santanu Sen: afternoon
Santanu Sen: texture
Santanu Sen:
Santanu Sen: sundown
Santanu Sen: sundown
Santanu Sen: morning
Santanu Sen: the hermit crab...
Santanu Sen: ...breakfast time
Santanu Sen: ...breakfast time
Santanu Sen: daddy, this one is good... lets buy this...
Santanu Sen: racing...
Santanu Sen: the Havelock jetty...
Santanu Sen: night
Santanu Sen: mood
Santanu Sen: mood
Santanu Sen: good morning...
Santanu Sen: Life around the waters edge...
Santanu Sen: Life around the waters edge...
Santanu Sen: Life around the waters edge...
Santanu Sen: life in the tide pools
Santanu Sen: life in the tide pools
Santanu Sen: life in the tide pools
Santanu Sen: life in the tide pools
Santanu Sen: life in the tide pools