SantaFeSandy: Mom&Me0305.jpg
SantaFeSandy: Jockettas3JeannieCarol&Me.jpg
SantaFeSandy: calder jocks room my birthday cake 1985 (2).jpg
SantaFeSandy: SkiingWithMyBuddy.jpg
SantaFeSandy: Eric and me his last day
SantaFeSandy: Judge Glant, Wendy and Me 7-16-07
SantaFeSandy: Judge Glant and Wendy 7-16-07
SantaFeSandy: Women with Class at the Deli
SantaFeSandy: Philip Winter Fishing 2006-07 in South Carolina
SantaFeSandy: The Girls
SantaFeSandy: Emailing: OneRomanticEvening1982CoconutGroveFL (2).jpg
SantaFeSandy: Mary Me & Jody
SantaFeSandy: John and Mary Jan 2006
SantaFeSandy: Frank and Mia Jan 2007
SantaFeSandy: ThoseWereTheDays
SantaFeSandy: Shadow Dancing 1998 Turkey
SantaFeSandy: Judge Glant's wife, Wendy and me 2/2/08
SantaFeSandy: Rony and Lilach 2003
SantaFeSandy: Lilach and Rony Marriage Photo
SantaFeSandy: Trish Ministering to the Turks 1998
SantaFeSandy: TheTwins85.jpg