Lisa{santacrewsgirl}: florentine lion
Lisa{santacrewsgirl}: Looking Back to the Beginning
Lisa{santacrewsgirl}: remember there is a light
Lisa{santacrewsgirl}: once upon a time.....
Lisa{santacrewsgirl}: vintage view
Lisa{santacrewsgirl}: the mist rises in Montepulciano
Lisa{santacrewsgirl}: Valle Maira - Stroppo
Lisa{santacrewsgirl}: The Past is Present - Stroppo
Lisa{santacrewsgirl}: la favorita...
Lisa{santacrewsgirl}: such are the times...
Lisa{santacrewsgirl}: i call this a window treatment...
Lisa{santacrewsgirl}: Remember tonight.. for it is the beginning of always.
Lisa{santacrewsgirl}: this sweet life...
Lisa{santacrewsgirl}: the way out....
Lisa{santacrewsgirl}: “If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there.”
Lisa{santacrewsgirl}: found in a doorway...
Lisa{santacrewsgirl}: {almost...} 4
Lisa{santacrewsgirl}: far away places....