sanna82: Washington Nationals baseball game
sanna82: The National Eagle getting ready to throw shirts
sanna82: Smoke behind the RFK Stadium
sanna82: Baseball game
sanna82: Inside the Old Post building
sanna82: Inside the Old Post building
sanna82: Inside the Old Post building
sanna82: View from Old Post building
sanna82: View from the Old Post building on the FBI
sanna82: View from the Old Post building to the Capitol
sanna82: View from the Old Post building on the FBI and the Capitol
sanna82: View from the Old Post building
sanna82: View from the Old Post building to the Washington Monument
sanna82: The old postal building.
sanna82: Ben Franklin
sanna82: View across the lake on downtown DC
sanna82: Franklin Memorial
sanna82: FDR's dog
sanna82: FDR Memorial
sanna82: FDR Memorial
sanna82: A squirrel
sanna82: Lincoln Memorial
sanna82: Washington Memorial
sanna82: WWII Memorial and Washington Memorial
sanna82: WWII Memorial
sanna82: WWII Memorial
sanna82: Iron Lung inside the Museum of American History
sanna82: The Whíte House
sanna82: Enjoying the shade of the Washington Monument
sanna82: Flags around Washington Monument