Gilles San Martin: Mustard as cover crop
Gilles San Martin: Spruce cultivated like corn...
Gilles San Martin: Electricity production
Gilles San Martin: Urban Wasteland
Gilles San Martin: Extensive oilseed rape field
Gilles San Martin: Pulled out hedge
Gilles San Martin: Intensive agriculture - Sugar beet field
Gilles San Martin: Intensive agriculture - Corn field
Gilles San Martin: Extensive agriculture - meadows with hedges
Gilles San Martin: Extensive agriculture - meadows with hedges
Gilles San Martin: Intensive sylviculture
Gilles San Martin: Extensive syviculture
Gilles San Martin: hunting or breeding of wild animals ?
Gilles San Martin: Road also kills butterflies
Gilles San Martin: Very artificial garden
Gilles San Martin: Intensive road verge management
Gilles San Martin: Late mowing along road sides
Gilles San Martin: unmowed road verge
Gilles San Martin: Illegal dump at the hearth of the Belgian Forest
Gilles San Martin: Waste collected in a nature reserve...