.SANKO17.: sticker combo
.SANKO17.: skipped school and went painting
.SANKO17.: skipped school and went painting
.SANKO17.: skipped school and went painting
.SANKO17.: possible t-shirt designs
.SANKO17.: working on this guy
.SANKO17.: first edition
.SANKO17.: small combo
.SANKO17.: index cards for neikoz's competition
.SANKO17.: my workspace
.SANKO17.: tagging
.SANKO17.: pieces
.SANKO17.: sticker combo
.SANKO17.: self-portrait
.SANKO17.: box i did
.SANKO17.: FREE ART - closeup
.SANKO17.: my first stencil
.SANKO17.: sticker up in tel aviv
.SANKO17.: passover wall with ezra nik and another friend
.SANKO17.: passover wall with ezra nik and another friend
.SANKO17.: social criticism
.SANKO17.: a piece of wood i found
.SANKO17.: some wheatpasting...
.SANKO17.: some fun afternoon bombing
.SANKO17.: some fun afternoon bombing
.SANKO17.: some fun afternoon bombing
.SANKO17.: some fun afternoon bombing
.SANKO17.: double sided combo side 1
.SANKO17.: double sided combo side 2