Bottled_Up_Dreams: ~~akti sutor jibon ~~
Bottled_Up_Dreams: ~~mAkE mE FrEE , mY pRIncE~~
Bottled_Up_Dreams: "ke tumi dnaria acho amar samasta frame jure ?!?"
Bottled_Up_Dreams: ঘর বাঁধার স্বপ্ন দেখেছিল মেয়েটি...
Bottled_Up_Dreams: ~~~~innocence even plays wid devil ~~~~
Bottled_Up_Dreams: " ~~Mon ~~ Mati ~~"
Bottled_Up_Dreams: "She" ..coming to destroy al EviL...
Bottled_Up_Dreams: Lonely Empires: Tell me your tragic lullaby / How it's hard to feel exiled in the mirror
Bottled_Up_Dreams: Expression !!
Bottled_Up_Dreams: Life, Living, & Struggle !!
Bottled_Up_Dreams: Freedom from the Authority !!