Casi Gerber: Ingredients - can you tell I shop at Safeway?
Casi Gerber: Wet Ingredients
Casi Gerber: Dry Ingredients
Casi Gerber: Ready to bake
Casi Gerber: Cleaning all the dishes means I get to have wine
Casi Gerber: Cleaning all the dishes means I get to have wine
Casi Gerber: Cleaning all the dishes means I get to have wine
Casi Gerber: Ready for icing!
Casi Gerber: This layer looks like it got punched. I'll put him on the bottom.
Casi Gerber: The top layer came out (almost) perfect)
Casi Gerber: Time to make icing! Whipped Vanilla Bean Frosting to be exact.
Casi Gerber: Whipped Vanilla Bean Frosting
Casi Gerber: Ice the top of the beat-up layer.
Casi Gerber: Place the pretty half on top and ice the rest of the cake
Casi Gerber: Fluffy Vanilla Cake with Whipped Vanilla Bean Frosting
Casi Gerber: Fluffy Vanilla Cake with Whipped Vanilla Bean Frosting
Casi Gerber: Fluffy Vanilla Cake with Whipped Vanilla Bean Frosting
Casi Gerber: Fluffy Vanilla Cake with Whipped Vanilla Bean Frosting
Casi Gerber: Happy Birthday Lauren!