sanesanebutinsane: Python and I, Floating Village of Chong Kneas, Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia
sanesanebutinsane: Male Common Birdwing, Troides helena, Siem Reap Province, Cambodia.
sanesanebutinsane: A beer on a hot day
sanesanebutinsane: Fish Vendor, Psar Chaa, Siem Reap, Cambodia
sanesanebutinsane: Psar Chaa, Siem Reap, Cambodia
sanesanebutinsane: Snakehead fish (Channa sp.), Psar Chaa, Siem Reap, Cambodia
sanesanebutinsane: Dried Produce, Psar Chaa, Siem Reap, Cambodia
sanesanebutinsane: Fun Shopping
sanesanebutinsane: Pink Helment
sanesanebutinsane: Conflation
sanesanebutinsane: Bayon at the centre of Angkor Thom, Cambodia
sanesanebutinsane: Beauty, Bayon, Angkor Thom, Cambodia
sanesanebutinsane: IMGP0634.jpg
sanesanebutinsane: Bayon, Angkor Thom, Cambodia
sanesanebutinsane: Bayon, Angkor Thom, Cambodia
sanesanebutinsane: Bayon at the centre of Angkor Thom, Cambodia
sanesanebutinsane: Bayon at the centre of Angkor Thom, Cambodia
sanesanebutinsane: Bayon, Angkor Thom, Cambodia
sanesanebutinsane: Bayon at the centre of Angkor Thom, Cambodia
sanesanebutinsane: Bayon at the centre of Angkor Thom, Cambodia
sanesanebutinsane: Lagerstroemia vs Ficus
sanesanebutinsane: Terrace of Elephants, Angkor Thom, Cambodia
sanesanebutinsane: Dipterocarpus alatus (Thai: ยางนา, Khmer chheuteal) fruit
sanesanebutinsane: Head at entrance to south gate, Angkor Thom, Cambodia
sanesanebutinsane: Head at entrance to south gate, Angkor Thom, Cambodia
sanesanebutinsane: Krama, Chao Say Tevoda, Cambodia.
sanesanebutinsane: Ta Keo, Cambodia.
sanesanebutinsane: Vishnu on Garuda
sanesanebutinsane: Entrance to one of the summit towers of Ta Keo
sanesanebutinsane: Umbrella and broken knelling Nandi