Sandy Steinman: Tomales Bay at Sunset in black and white
Sandy Steinman: Fruit of California Laurel or Bay Tree/ Umbelluaria californica
Sandy Steinman: Tomales Bay at Sunset
Sandy Steinman: Abbotts Lagoon Grassland
Sandy Steinman: Red Alder/Alnus rubra
Sandy Steinman: Red Alder/Alnus rubra
Sandy Steinman: Red Alder/Alnus rubra
Sandy Steinman: Bark of California Laurel or Bay Tree/ Umbelluaria californica
Sandy Steinman: Coast Live Oak/Quercus agrifolia
Sandy Steinman: Coast Live Oak/Quercus agrifolia
Sandy Steinman: Coastal Wood Fern/Dryopteris arguta
Sandy Steinman: Honeysuckle/Lonicera in fruit
Sandy Steinman: Lichens on fence
Sandy Steinman: Lichens on fence
Sandy Steinman: Lichens on fence
Sandy Steinman: Lichens on fence
Sandy Steinman: Lichens on fence
Sandy Steinman: Lichens on fence
Sandy Steinman: Lichens on fence
Sandy Steinman: Lichens on fence
Sandy Steinman: Lichens on fence
Sandy Steinman: Lichens on fence
Sandy Steinman: Poison Hemlock/Conium maculatum
Sandy Steinman: Poison Oak/Toxicodendron pubescens
Sandy Steinman: Redwoods and Bay Trees near Ptl. Reyes Visitor Center
Sandy Steinman: River Otters
Sandy Steinman: Snowberry/Symphoricarpos albus
Sandy Steinman: Snowberry/Symphoricarpos albus
Sandy Steinman: Tomales Bay Sunset.