Sandy Steinman:
Wooly Bluecurls/Trichostema lanatum
Sandy Steinman:
Toro Manzanita/Arctostaphylos montereyensis (rare and endangered)
Sandy Steinman:
Sweet-Shrub/Calycanthus occidentalis
Sandy Steinman:
Snowberry/Symphoricarpos alba
Sandy Steinman:
Refugio Manzanita 'Pink Glory' /Arctostaphylos refugioensis (rare and endangered)
Sandy Steinman:
Port Orford Cedar/Chamaecyparis lawsoniana
Sandy Steinman:
Golden-crowned Sparrow
Sandy Steinman:
Garden Steps
Sandy Steinman:
Sandy Steinman:
Desert Section
Sandy Steinman:
Desert Section
Sandy Steinman:
Common Checkered Skipper
Sandy Steinman:
Beavertail Cactus/Opuntia
Sandy Steinman:
Beavertail Cactus/Opuntia and Buckwheat/Erigeron
Sandy Steinman:
Creeping Blue-blossom/Ceanothus thyrsiflorus var. repens
Sandy Steinman:
Toro Manzanita/Arctostaphylos montereyensis
Sandy Steinman:
Toro Manzanita/Arctostaphylos montereyensis
Sandy Steinman:
Snowberry/Symphoricarpus albus var. laevigatus
Sandy Steinman:
Snowberry/Symphoricarpus albus var. laevigatus
Sandy Steinman:
Water droplet on leaf of Snowberry/Symphoricarpus albus var. laevigatus
Sandy Steinman:
Santa Lucia Manzanita/Arctostphylos luciana (rare and endangered)
Sandy Steinman:
Santa Lucia Fir/Abies bracteata (rare and endangered)
Sandy Steinman:
Pacific Madrone/Arbutus menziesii
Sandy Steinman:
Mission Manzanita/Xylococcus bicolor
Sandy Steinman:
Coast Redwood_/Sequoia semprevirens_leaves
Sandy Steinman:
Wooly Bluecurls/Trichostema lanatum
Sandy Steinman:
Sandy Steinman:
Sandy Steinman:
Mountain Dogwood/Cornus nuttallii