Sandy's Photos: Bacon Express, breakfast of kings
Sandy's Photos: Our chef of the weekend, Thanks, Bruce! (And Mark made some pretty good scrambled eggs too!)
Sandy's Photos: Stack 'o fireworks, taller than Faith and Elise (maybe even put together!)
Sandy's Photos: A nice beach house if ever I've seen one!
Sandy's Photos: A game of Kubb
Sandy's Photos: "Decorate our canoes?" "Huh?". Before our inspiration hit us collectively
Sandy's Photos: pssshhhhhhhhhhh (Nancy and Dave)
Sandy's Photos: The rules lecture. We added rules as we saw fit!
Sandy's Photos: Sure there is plenty of beer bottles among the decorating! You can't expect a person to be parched during the festivities, can you??
Sandy's Photos: Mike, Beth and Sean decorating their fingers off
Sandy's Photos: The Monkey Canoe.
Sandy's Photos: Bruce defacing canoes
Sandy's Photos: Uss Ben D(ibble)
Sandy's Photos: Team 4 declared their boate USS Unsink (Dibble). Ironic now, isn't it?
Sandy's Photos: Laurie, Mark and Nancy working like dogs
Sandy's Photos: Sean and Bethany plotting their race strategy. And eating watermelon. Mostly eating watermelon
Sandy's Photos: Bruce taking a bit of a pre race snooze. He's going to need it for that boat sinking that is about to come his way!
Sandy's Photos: Derek the pirate. Scary....
Sandy's Photos: Hayley making a monkey 6 pack abs. Hey, that a monkey belly button??
Sandy's Photos: My teammates, Ben Dibble, Derek and Dave
Sandy's Photos: Team 5, the pirate ship. Hoping to put fear into all (we didn't)
Sandy's Photos: Waiting nervously for the start of the race, all looking a tad ridiculous (but loving it)
Sandy's Photos: Fierce Freedom Team 2, Bethany and Sean
Sandy's Photos: all canoes racing, one sinking
Sandy's Photos: hey Team 4...where's your canoe? Oh, right. On the bottom of the lake, 4 feet from shore. bummer.
Sandy's Photos: The race is on
Sandy's Photos: Team 5 leaving all behind but not really paying attention where they were going either. 2nd place, thank you very much. Ugh.
Sandy's Photos: Team 5 winning clearly (my team) until the unspeakable happens
Sandy's Photos: racing around the dock, no paddles, costumes optional
Sandy's Photos: the battle wounded of the canoe competition