Sandy's Photos: family in toronto
Sandy's Photos: Loe and me
Sandy's Photos: My mom and dad
Sandy's Photos: Andy, Bethany and me
Sandy's Photos: The cousins
Sandy's Photos: The cousins
Sandy's Photos: My hair on WEN
Sandy's Photos: shiny hair
Sandy's Photos: shiny, bouncy and soft
Sandy's Photos: Austrian Alps
Sandy's Photos: Picture in a mirror
Sandy's Photos: Me 'n Li
Sandy's Photos: After dinner puzzle
Sandy's Photos: The table, thanks included
Sandy's Photos: I guess this is the best one to show off the scarf!
Sandy's Photos: nephew Steve, Andy and Bethany
Sandy's Photos: Mother's day
Sandy's Photos: The birthday girl!
Sandy's Photos: Memere and me, circa 1968
Sandy's Photos: My Memere, Simone and Derek, 1986
Sandy's Photos: H is for Home
Sandy's Photos: Manicured fingers
Sandy's Photos: and manicured toes
Sandy's Photos: derek tie dyed his fingers