Sandy's Photos: Fig proflie
Sandy's Photos: Fig's closeup or "Why is it so cold out?"
Sandy's Photos: Fig on sweater
Sandy's Photos: Fig posing for a profile shot
Sandy's Photos: Staring contest
Sandy's Photos: Fig's whiskers
Sandy's Photos: Cat in a window
Sandy's Photos: Fig inspected and approved
Sandy's Photos: Fig loves Spring!
Sandy's Photos: Mmmm....Salad Bar!
Sandy's Photos: fig in a box
Sandy's Photos: Fig's Philosophy
Sandy's Photos: Sleepy Fig
Sandy's Photos: How's a cat supposed to lounge on the front porch when it's like a circus around here?
Sandy's Photos: Autumn Fig
Sandy's Photos: Mom went grocery shopping
Sandy's Photos: Sleepy Fig
Sandy's Photos: Fig, wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving
Sandy's Photos: Mfmmfhmm
Sandy's Photos: Mice bounce
Sandy's Photos: Get away!
Sandy's Photos: Biting and kicking is okay if you are a cat showing a mouse what for.
Sandy's Photos: Open it FASTER!
Sandy's Photos: Can I open it?
Sandy's Photos: Fig has mail
Sandy's Photos: Secret tuna eater