Sandy*S: South end of Northbound Sunflower Seed head
Sandy*S: Tulip
Sandy*S: Milkweed
Sandy*S: Yucca and Lake
Sandy*S: Seed pod
Sandy*S: Spring rapids
Sandy*S: Red
Sandy*S: First little plant of spring
Sandy*S: Hosta
Sandy*S: Buffalo Burr
Sandy*S: Nuttall Violet
Sandy*S: Mullein with dew
Sandy*S: Hood phlox and Townsendia
Sandy*S: Wild Plum
Sandy*S: Unknown Yellow Flower
Sandy*S: Nuttall Violet
Sandy*S: Missouri Milkvetch
Sandy*S: Low Fleabane
Sandy*S: Lanceleaf Bluebell
Sandy*S: CommonStarlilly
Sandy*S: 5 Pasque Flowers
Sandy*S: 3 Pasque Flowers and pine
Sandy*S: 3 Pasque flowers
Sandy*S: 2 Pasque Flowers
Sandy*S: Pasque Flower Center
Sandy*S: 1 Pasque flower
Sandy*S: Unknown shade plant
Sandy*S: Detail of unknown plant
Sandy*S: unknown plant
Sandy*S: what the heck is this