Sandra H-K: There is no path to follow, just walk the way of your heart :)
Sandra H-K: I think, therefore I've had my coffee ;)
Sandra H-K: Oh, you should never, never doubt what nobody is sure about.
Sandra H-K: When thinking about life, remember this: no amount of guilt can change the past and no amount of anxiety can change the future.
Sandra H-K: Watch more sunsets then Netflix!!
Sandra H-K: I will not let age change me. I will change the way I age!
Sandra H-K: Look in the mirror...that's your competition.
Sandra H-K: Be anything but predictable!!
Sandra H-K: 1. Make a list of things that make you happy. 2. Make a list of things you do every day. 3. Compare the lists. 4. Adjust accordingly
Sandra H-K: If you get tired, learn to rest, not to quit!
Sandra H-K: There is no path to follow, just walk the way of your heart.
Sandra H-K: Seek magic everyday!
Sandra H-K: "A mistake repeated more then once is a decision." ~Paulo Coelho~
Sandra H-K: Less Monday! More Summer!
Sandra H-K: Because when you stop and look around life is pretty amazing!
Sandra H-K: Great things never came from comfort zones
Sandra H-K: "Come with me, where dreams are born, and time is never planned" ~Peter Pan~
Sandra H-K: Humble enough to know I'm not better than anybody & wise enough to know I'm different from the rest.
Sandra H-K: When you love what you have, you have all you need :)
Sandra H-K: Don't stop until you are proud!
Sandra H-K: "And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair." ~Kahlil Gibran~
Sandra H-K: The first time someone shows you who there are, believe them!
Sandra H-K: Throwing shade isn't going to make you shine!
Sandra H-K: Happy as long as I'm not hungry!
Sandra H-K: You'll turn out ordinary if you're not careful!
Sandra H-K: Go where you feel the most alive!
Sandra H-K: Whistle while you hustle!
Sandra H-K: The only B.S. i need in my life is breakfast and squats!
Sandra H-K: Be a Fruit Loop in a world of Cheerios!
Sandra H-K: Be obsessively grateful!