Sandy Paiement: Tropical Kingbird
Sandy Paiement: Tropical Kingbird
Sandy Paiement: Double-crested Cormorant
Sandy Paiement: Double-crested Cormorant
Sandy Paiement: Biffy in the Bush
Sandy Paiement: Somewhere down the Fraser River
Sandy Paiement: Somewhere down the Fraser River
Sandy Paiement: Somewhere down the Fraser River
Sandy Paiement: Somewhere down the Fraser River
Sandy Paiement: Gull Spat
Sandy Paiement: Gull Spat
Sandy Paiement: Marbled Godwit
Sandy Paiement: Marbled Godwit
Sandy Paiement: Seagull - Ring-billed Gull 1st Summer
Sandy Paiement: Seagull - Ring-billed Gull 1st Summer
Sandy Paiement: Insects du jour
Sandy Paiement: Insects du jour
Sandy Paiement: Insects du jour
Sandy Paiement: Insects du jour
Sandy Paiement: Luscious!
Sandy Paiement: Canada Goose
Sandy Paiement: Canada Goose
Sandy Paiement: Canada Goose
Sandy Paiement: Ring-billed Gull
Sandy Paiement: Pigeon love.