Gar Nichts: On the hard. These may have been hauled for work through the winter months.
Gar Nichts: Harbor, Leica M8.2, Canon 28mm f/2.8, f/8.0. Astoria, OR, West Mooring Basin
Gar Nichts: Leica M8.2 with a Canon 28mm LTM f/2.8. Great combo.
Gar Nichts: Christmas Eve in Astoria, snow. Leica M8.2, Voigtländer 35mm f/1.4, Nokton Classic II, f/1.4
Gar Nichts: M9 plus Jupiter 8, a great combo. The Jupiters are uneven because of lousy Soviet QC. This one is a honey.
Gar Nichts: Leica M9, CV 35mm f/1.4 Nokton II
Gar Nichts: Leica M9, CV 35mm f/1.4 Nokton II
Gar Nichts: M9/Amotal
Gar Nichts: L1002226
Gar Nichts: M9/Amotal
Gar Nichts: L1002338
Gar Nichts: M9/Amotal
Gar Nichts: Pixii/J8 - the color amazes me
Gar Nichts: Night scene in the Astoria Harbor, West Mooring Basin by Bornstein's Sea Food. M9 - '57 KMZ J8
Gar Nichts: A7300957
Gar Nichts: L1002541 Trofast at dawn - Leica M9/Amotal Trofast means "Faithful"
Gar Nichts: L1002554 - The light, it's all about the light
Gar Nichts: L1002566
Gar Nichts: L1002624 - The American Empress
Gar Nichts: L1002652
Gar Nichts: B0000029
Gar Nichts: B0000226
Gar Nichts: B0000379
Gar Nichts: B0000460
Gar Nichts: B0000710
Gar Nichts: B0000719
Gar Nichts: B0000862
Gar Nichts: B0001178 HB X2D + Cooke Amotal
Gar Nichts: L1003115